I support WorldOregon because it knowledgeably addresses the important international challenges that face leaders, educators, policymakers and all of us as citizens.
I am most proud of
my work internationally and domestically for civil liberties, human rights, conflict resolution, environment, and social and economic justice.
Other places I have worked, I have worked as a grant-making foundation leader, attorney and in various positions in city, state, and federal government over six continents and in a number of conflict zones.
I am inspired by Raoul Wallenberg, Nelson Mandela, and the number of people I have met working risking their well-being and lives to make the world better in dangerous and problematic contexts.
Copyright © 2025 WorldOregon The name "WorldOregon" is a d/b/a for the World Affairs Council of Oregon, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax ID# 93-0568356).
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