I have been a part of WorldOregon for over 20 years in some capacity and support World Oregon because it is a world class organization bringing people to Portland who have changed the world, but more importantly share ideas and inspire and motivate others to do the same.
I am most proud of my nonprofit, VoteERA.org bringing Measure 89 to the voters, to place women’s equality in the Oregon Constitution and having the voters pass it overwhelmingly in 2014.
A favorite place to be is anywhere where there are people. After traveling to Kenya and throughout Africa, India, China, Nepal, all over Europe, the southern states in the U.S., one thing remains true - all people want love, joy, to have their voice heard, to matter and belong.
My true calling is to fight for those who feel and or are challenged in fighting for themselves.
Copyright © 2025 WorldOregon The name "WorldOregon" is a d/b/a for the World Affairs Council of Oregon, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (tax ID# 93-0568356).
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